Mom, mother, mommy what ever you call her, I hope we can all say ours is special, the love and care they give us as a child, the guidance and protection they offer as we grow up and to lose this special person is a terrible blow. I write this on the day before my mom's funeral, it keeps me busy and pleases me to know that people might read this and they too will feel the love she shared. Smiling Teenage Mom My mom, Doris Evelyn Powell died on the 18th December 2022 at the age of 71, not a grand age by any means, I will eternally miss her and perhaps writing this is helping me with my grief. Evelyn as she liked to be called didn't want to buried, didn't even want a plaque, mom as with my nan wanted us to remember her in whatever way we wanted to, after my nan, Doris (again) gained her wings, my mom bought flowers on the anniversary of her passing, something I intend to do from now on. I didn't want mom to pass without being remembered and so this 'post' will in s...